Chlorine Dioxide
VCHEM-OX in Fish & Shrimp
ClO2 molecule remains a true gas in solution making it more energetic and able to reach all points in a system. Because it is a true gas and soluble in virtually anything, it can penetrate the bacterial slime layers (biofilm).
This along with the failure to form toxic and carcinogenic chlorination by-products and produce a build-up of toxic organic or inorganic by-products like bromates makes chlorine dioxide the most eco-friendly biocide that can be used.
Major advantages of VCHEM-OX are very effective at low concentrations in fish and shrimp application basins. Chlorine dioxide is a very selective oxidant and reacts mainly with organic substances, thus maintaining the microbial quality of the water.
Detailed explanation of using VCHEM-OX specially formulated for Fish & shrimp application.
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For more information about VCHEM-OX call or whatsapp +91 9677331937to get explained details about VCHEM-OX for Fish & shrimp application. We can make separate formulation of VCHEM-OX (chlorine dioxide) for your exact application