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Chlorine Dioxide

VCHEM-OX in Poultry Meet Processing

The main problem is to control cross-contamination. Contamination of carcasses can occur via contact with soiled surfaces, equipment or the hands of operatives. Microorganisms can also be spread in airborne dust particles and droplets and through any rupture of the intestines during evisceration.

Ban of chlorine treated poultry products –:

There are several countries in world now who have banned imports of chlorine treated poultry products. And day by day more countries are adopting the said approach considering the harmful effects of the chlorine or chlorine treated meat products

Detailed explanation of using VCHEM-OX specially formulated for Poultry Meat Processing application.

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For more information about VCHEM-OX call or whatsapp +91 9677331937 to get explained details about VCHEM-OX for poultry and meat processing. We can make separate formulation of VCHEM-OX (chlorine dioxide) for your exact application



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