Chlorine Dioxide
VCHEM-OX in Tomato Washing
- The use of VCHEM-OX in the process water will contribute to an increased production quality by better optimized micro biological control
- No influence of pH Level of the water on the VCHEM-OX water treatment power
- No more use of chlorine in the treatment process; no chlorine smell for operators
- No chlorinated organic by-products
- Effective destruction of molds on tomatoes and the flume equipment.
- VCHEM-OX delivers superior broad spectrum micro biological control
- VCHEM-OX causes improvement of the micro biological surface contamination level
Detailed explanation of using VCHEM-OX specially formulated for Tomato Washing application.
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For more information about VCHEM-OX call or whatsapp +91 9677331937 to get explained details about VCHEM-OX for Tomato washing. We can make separate formulation of VCHEM-OX (chlorine dioxide) for your exact application